
Licensed professions registers

Persons or businesses whose vocations have the potential to cause serious property or bodily harm should be publicly registered so that: Minimum standards can be required; The public can have a definitive way of checking credentials; Members can be disbarred in the...

Company Register

The Company Register should be national and include the following fields: Company number Each company should have a unique company number. By law all websites, letterhead, invoices, prospectuses, and contractual documents should cite the issuing company number. Name...

Foreign nationals register

The purpose of this register is the same as the Individuals Register. Registration should be required for all foreign nationals who wish to: Enter the country; Own domestic currency; Own domestic land; Own shares in domestic companies; Commence or defend domestic...

Sexual and Violent Felons Register

The government should offer a comprehensive, publicly accessible database of sexual offenders and violent felons. In addition to static searches, live location data on registered offenders should be streamed from the felon’s GPS anklet or other tracking device....

Individuals register

Purpose The Individuals Register is the foundation upon which all other public registers are built. When used in conjunction with other registers it prevents crime and provides certainty in commercial dealings. It is a proposed enhancement of traditional Births,...

Land Titles Register

Land titles registers are critical for preventing fraud, providing certainty, and simplifying land transactions. All of these are vital elements of commerce, as explained in Hernando de Soto’s book, The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails...

Attributes of government registers

Registers and legal proceedings All government registers should have point-in-time search capability. That is, the register should be searchable to see what it looked like at any point in time in the past. Links from point-in-time records should jump to counterpart...

Privacy and government registers

There are two reasons for wanting privacy: The legitimate desire to be secluded from public view of others when conducting legal activities; The illegitimate desire to be unaccountable for illegal actions. Once this distinction is made, it can be seen that in most...

The importance of registers

Public registers defend and extend property rights by allowing contracting parties to be sure of whom they are dealing with. They make many crimes impossible and deter the remainder by making criminal investigation much easier. The importance of registers cannot be...