Making amends

An important part of reforming a criminal’s character is to ensure that he makes amends for his violation of the rights of others. Moreover it is incumbent on the government to ensure that the victims of crime are compensated. To address both requirements, victims of...

Relationship between crime and imprisonment

Prisoners who will one day be released into society need to be reformed, not further depraved, by their incarceration. As a rule, felons should not be released until they are as statistically unlikely to commit crime as a law-abiding citizen, of like age and sex, is...

Relationship between crime and single mothers

No government … can afford … the police necessary to assure our safety unless the overwhelming majority of us are guided by an inner, personal code of morality. And you will not get that inner, personal code of morality unless children are brought up in a family—a...

Relationship between crime and criminal parents

There is a deep-seated instinct among all children to adopt their parents’ actions and beliefs. When children see their parents commit crime, they learn that crime is morally acceptable. To break this cycle, the offspring of felons need to be given special attention...