Meeting the Chinese threat

It is in our Western interest that China should be open, stable and prosperous, and a full partner in the international community. That is the only rational policy for the West to pursue with a country which has the world’s largest population … nuclear weapons and is...

The Chinese threat

The danger, though, lies in the fact that these Asian countries, which are making such rapid economic advances, generally lack the liberal traditions which we in the West take for granted. America is worthy of its superpower status because it has been not only...

Constitutional rules for the conduct of war

In warfare, discipline and training always prevails. Roman exercises were said to be ‘bloodless battles’ so that their battles could be ‘bloody exercises.’ (Bellum Iudaicum Titus Flavius Josephus 75.) It was constant drill and repetition that allowed soldiers to react...

Military culture

The armed forces should be imbued with the military culture of obeying orders and killing the enemy. No one questions that strict rules of engagement and honorable standards of behavior are necessary. However, the military is not a laboratory for social experiments....

Redundancy, firewalls, dispersal

In war the unexpected happens, and thus the unexpected should be planned for. Treacherous attacks such as those on Pearl Harbor, the USS Stark, and the USS Cole ought to be prevented by wartime states of readiness around all commissioned military assets. Disastrous...

Mobilization time

Forces must be configured to perform lightning-fast operations when called upon. The use of part-timers and reservists should be rejected in favor of full-time professionals and contractors wielding highly automated fighting machines. History shows that aggressors—for...